Estee Advisors Private Ltd is a quant-based investment management and execution and services provider. Estee is a pioneer in building algorithmic investment products and has a strong track record as an investment manager and trade execution services provider in Indian capital markets. Estee is present across three lines of business - Asset Management, Proprietary Trading, and Execution Services.

Estee is a SEBI-registered Portfolio Manager Service (PMS) provider and a registered broker-member with all the major Indian exchanges including NSE, BSE and MCX-SX. Estee Commodities Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Estee Advisors, is a registered broker-member with MCX. Estee’s US affiliate, Estee Capital LLC, is a Commodity Pool Operator (CPO) with the National Futures Association (US) which is allowed to solicit funds to Qualified Eligible Participants (QEPs). Estee Capital LLC is also a Registered Trading Member with the Dubai Gold and Commodity Exchange (DGCX) and Singapore Exchange (SGX).


Quant based investment products will grow and become a major part of invested assets in emerging markets, including India


Create leading provider of algorithmic broking and systematic investment products for India and other emerging markets.


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